Lethbridge’s 2024 Living Wage is $20.00
The hourly wage needed for a modest standard of living has decreased by $0.60
Nov. 18, 2024, Lethbridge in collaboration with the Alberta Living Wage Network (ALWN or “the
Network”) has released a new living wage of $20.00 per hour for Lethbridge. The living wage
has decreased by $0.60 over last year after federal and provincial government affordability
measures were incorporated into the calculation.
The living wage is defined as the hourly wage a worker needs to earn to cover their basic
expenses and have a modest standard of living once government transfers have been added
and taxes have been subtracted. The calculation is based on the income needs of three
household types: a two-parent family with two young children; a lone-parent family with one
child; and a single individual. It assumes that each adult is working full-time hours and includes
savings for unexpected costs, continuing education, child care, and a small amount which
allows people to participate in the community.
Jaci Zalesak, Executive Director of United Way Lethbridge & South Western Alberta noted that
the living wage calculation has some good news for our community. “The living wage for 2024
had a relatively small decrease over last year. What this means for our community is
Lethbridge is becoming a more affordable place to live for workers and their families. With
living costs decreasing, Lethbridge is better positioned to attract and retain talent, fostering a
stronger local economy and improving the quality of life for its residents. Continuing to support
affordability measures will ensure our community remains a great place to live and work.”
“Of all the cities in Alberta, Lethbridge has the highest number of certified Living Wage
employers per capita. This shows that not only is Lethbridge an affordable place to live, but
employers are committed to socially responsible practices, demonstrating notable recruitment
strategies, and prone to have less turn over.
Despite increasing costs on some things like rent, other costs did go down including electricity
rates, clothing, expenses, and lower childcare costs which in turn put downward pressure on
the living wages. Subsidized childcare and decreased electricity costs have helped families.
What’s missing in Alberta is any real action on increasing minimum wage despite every single
other province making increases in 2024.” says Ryan Lacanilao, Coordinator, Alberta Living
Wage Network.
“The Social Health Equity Network of Lethbridge and Area (SHENLA) encourages the City of Lethbridge and more businesses in our community to become living wage employers. Paying a living wage assures that employees and their families can meet their basic needs with dignity and can participate in community life. Currently, there is a gap of $5.00 per hour between the minimum wage and a living wage in Lethbridge.” Sharon Yanicki, Chair of the Social Health Equity Network of Lethbridge and Area. As more employers are able to pay the living wage, there would be a ripple effect of investment back into the community as well as better overall health and well-being.
As a living wage employer, Ashley Frank, Executive Assistant, & Event Coordinator says “At Southland Trailers, our core values of respecting every individual, hard work and leading with humility shape everything we do. Being a living wage employer embodies these principles, ensuring our team members are valued and supported. By investing in our people, we foster a culture of trust and dedication, strengthening our community and empowering every member of our team.”
The Alberta Living Wage is reviewed annually and announced for each participating community.
Learn more about Lethbridge’s living wage calculation. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63ebf58a5a658d0c030f0f25/t/65789c69e47e235163837ed6/1702403180277/Living+Wage+Report+2023+DRAFT5-combined.pdf
20 municipalities in Alberta released their living wages today. Learn more about how Lethbridge’s living wage compares. https://www.livingwagealberta.ca/what-is-a-living-wage
View ALWN’s common questions and answers about living wages and how employers can get certified.
– News Release from United Way Lethbridge & South Western Alberta